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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Armada Race Team (Downshift, Dirt Boss, Mirage)
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2002
Categories: 2002 (
), Mini-Con (
), Armada (
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Reviews - Armada Race Team (Downshift, Dirt Boss, Mirage)

The One Called Zorron
hehe.. one heads looks like a StormTrooper. Gimmic is okay compaired to the other combiners. Color could be improved.
oliver feer
i like like things
Ein Mark 2
Okay, if we make a gimmick, let's have it WORK, shall we? I don't know about y'all, but my sheild keeps coming to peices! On top of that, making one of the minicons a recolor was just lame. Try better, guys. Dirt Boss was the only reason I give it a 5.
Aluminus Kann
Drab grey color schemes with a cheery banana yellow emblazon the chunky malformed limbs and torsos of this funky bunch. Gestault form SkyBoom makes a good cat toy though, on a string.
They had the right idea but many things went wrong like: The shield is horrible, Mirage is a repaint, Dirt Boss is a mess of I don't know but the blue/black race car is perfect. -Scourgejet
I give them an 8 because there robot forms dont look that great but vehicle forms are really cool and when combine to the Skyboom shield they look Awsome.
I think Skyboom is the worst combination team they have out yet. Every individual robot just don't look right, and the shield just look too Power Rangerish to me.
Hot Rod
The skyboom shield is the coolest thing. I love when I attatch it to optius prime.
dirt boss is junk. mirage is 2 much like swindle. downshift and the skyboom sheild save the team
not a great set, but not THAT bad. skyboom is very disappointing. vechicle modes are great, but bot modes are not very good. overall, not a must have.
THe skyboom shield isn't the coolest shield but it is still pretty cool.the skyboom is cooler than the starsaber sword by a lot because the saber is so cheap it's because the minicons are so easy to take apart.
Black Dog
bad robot modes, bad tfing, and skyboom is ugly. not as good as requiem blaster. my dirt boss is broken already (where he connects to downshift.) buy another mini-con team.
Weak individual robot modes (one of them a remode), poor transformations (re: Downshift), questionable gestalt mode, and poor coloring worked against this potentially excellent group. Redeeming points: Dirt Boss's alt mode possibilities.
I made up a gestalt for these three. First combine them into skyboom. Flip Mirages feet and put his arms up. Then make extra arms from whats supposed to be DB's legs and flip the feet half way. Then flip DS body and position his arms. Then flip DS head.
nice minicons could have had better painting ok transformation i like how skyboom can be held by optimus like a shield
Thaddeus Lawas
I can't understand if Skyboom is a shield or a jet? In the box, it is indicated as a plane, it looks awkward. Anyway it can also be used as a shield. The car modes are great looking. For a minicon, Dirt Boss is a tough one to transform.
Brandon Williams
Somehow they weren't able to improve Swindle with the retool Mirage. Skyboom looks okay but is too tall for some of the Transformers (Hot Shot, Smokescreen). Good for Optimus. Vehicle modes are okay and robot modes are below par.
There's that awesome scene in the comics where Downshift is slammed onto Meg's forearm, which makes me love his toy. DB's robot mode: UGLY! I like Mirage's resculpted head & tweeked legs >not just a total recolor. So is Skyboom a shield, plane, both?
Han Man the Trans Fan
These guys are also great to get. Like the skyboom shield, only if held together better. Mirage, is just a copy off of swindle (swindle is better) and the other two are very detailed.
The Phantasm
Great combination, favorite one is Mirage. The only reason I give this team a nine is because Dirt Boss's leg joint is stressed badly already, having had it for less than a day.
I had transformed mirage and downshift because they wher easy. Then I looked at the instructions I could transform Dirt Boss. Then I try to make skyboom but he was to hard.
Overall,a very nice mini-con team.Vehicle modes look nice for all of them.Robot modes are kinda iffy,with peices tending to snap off and,in the case of Downshif's head,not always that easy to reattach.Skyboom, the sheild,more than makes up for it though.
sideshow sideswipe
I personally think that the shield combination for this team is a really worthwhile gimmick. I plan to have big prime displayed with the sword, shield and 'requiem blaster'. Robot modes aren't the greatest, but I like all the minicons so far.
These Minicons aren't all that great, nor are they all that fun. But I easily go gaga for gimmicks like combining to form a sheild, so I will give it a 5.
Mirage is just a Swindle ripoff to sugarcoat it. Dirt Boss has a solid, well detailed vehicle mode which is ruined by a poorly constructed robot mode and a hideous paint job. Downshift comes up average. Skyboom is hard to tell as to what exactly it is. 4
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