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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Armada Sideswipe w/ Nightbeat
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2003
Categories: 2003 (
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Reviews - Armada Sideswipe w/ Nightbeat

Its more posable than blurr unlike blurr has to much kibble. If only put some joint where the door flaps would rotate 160 degrees give BM Nightscream effect. would have looked better! Or if the door flaps would pop off attach to the arms as sheilds
Excellent car mode! Cheap but cute mini-con. Robot mode is ok, until you get to his legs...terrible, terrible legs. I have grown to like him though.
I Got Robbed!!
If I was a kid and got this for Christmas I would wonder about what horrible thing I did that made Santa leave me this worthless piece of blank instead of coal!
The Cronic 013
Hey Evilmus I'm gonna let Waspinator beat on mine!!! Only cool thing is that his head looks out the window! Can anyone please tell me why he flips out a motorcycle and not a gun? What's he gonna do wheelie you to death!?!
Olsonus Prime
Looks like poop in robot mode. I would rather play with my Gen. 1 guys then this. Bad Armada choice. I agree with Evilmus, save ur money.
evilmus prime
I can only hope someone at Hasbro got fired for this!!! When I set him up I'm going to have my 1st wave Cheetor kicking his worthless mini-con filled tail. Save your $10.99!!! EVILMUS PRIME
The Ol' Dave
In what part of Cybertron's evolution did the Transformers learn they didn't need knees? Following in fashion with Optimus, Blurr, and Scavenger, this is another Autobot who hardly moves. Nightbeat is just weak with no arms!
Miserably bulky robot mode, but try picking between this and the Firecons. Really just most of the same complaints as with Hot Shot.
It's impossible to like (or even approach) this guy without letting his robot mode bash you over the head a few times. Above all, pretty decent.
Jizz Wiggit
Rockin' Sideswipe roolz!
ugly ugly ugly. I faint when i look at him
One word..... Stupid. The only reason I give it a two is because, 1 the car looks good and 2 I like the flip in the back for Nightbeat. Thats about it, yep it's stupid.
Why do they make all the Autobots so bad and ugly? Wake up, Hasbro!
Gorgeous car mode, hokey robot mode. Leave it as a car. Leg hardpoints are useless, gimmicks kinda cheesy. Still, it looks great in the lineup of Armada cars... Nightbeat is cute but doesn't look too great. Wait for a sale.
Sideswipe is my favorite transformer yet. Nothing wrong with him, I think the mini-con is sorta cute. All in all, a Terrific buy!
The One Called Zorron
Main complaint.. is that the side with the gimmic, looks like the plastic is wearing away if you use it too much.. (which you have to inorder to TF the toy) Doesn't even look like an armada toy. Hope they fix the issue in later releases.
Finally we have an Armada Transmutate, and his minicon motorcycle with legs. I am ashamed I bought this, but I always think maybe the pictures don't do it justice. they do! this toy stinks. It's as wide as it is long and stupid looking to boot.
I give him an 8 because of his legs and because his Minicon is the worst yet.
Not as bad as the online pictures may make it appear. Fair amount of articulation. Worth the $10 price tag, but not much beyond that.
Shonka Prime
Not the best Armada toy, but still really cool. Sweet vehicle mode and robot mode. Very nice rendition of the character. Love the detail with the autobot symbol on the hood. Loses a point for leg articulation and another point for his lame minicon.
Car mode is OK. I LOVE Autobot symbols w/ white accent WAY more than red only. Sadly it's the toys best feature! I don't like his bot mode mainly cuz his legs are SO gangly/ugly. After TFing NB one wonders, did I miss something? No, it's just that bad!
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