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Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2004
Categories: 2004 (
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Reviews - Energon Prowl

Prowl's a decet bot; like most of Energon, very mediocre peice.Makes a very good top/bottom combination, and has all the posability I crave in EVERY form. Wish they had make the pipes on his head moveable, and his gun seems VERY out of place in car mode.
I like Prowl a lot. His vehicle mode is really neat and his robot mode is pretty cool too. Works pretty nicely as a powerlinx pants or shirt as well. In all a really good Transfprmer though I like Rodimus better. Both are must-haves for me though.
Ace of Spades
The vehicle mode rocks, though I have to question making Prowl a race car. Robot mode is rather squat, but excellent poseability. Lots of fun in both modes. Great looking powerlinx modes and looks especially good with Inferno.
Dash Cunning
Interesting concept, and kinda funny looking, but still a good Autobot. Powerlinx "pants" mode looks better if you shorten his legs and flip up his spoiler/chest to give Hot Shot some armor. Other than that, pretty good.
Interesting concept and not a bad execution. F1 police car is an odd choice, maybe should have been called 'Mirage'. Not bad as the head; haven't tried him as the "pants".
This transformer wasn't too bad. I love his vehicle mode (although a F1 police cruiser is a bit odd). His transformation is a bit basic, and the head looks really bad. As the legs he makes a great powerlink, but don't use him as the top.
Vortex Prime
just recently got it car mode is sleek looks good with rodimus i call him RODIMUS PROWL when combined. prefer rodimius for upper body as there are more weapon options.
i agree with Ransack, its a lame idea, an F1 police car...prowl was one of the most chill of the G1's its a disgrace to see him lowered. only looks cool with 2 powerlinx'd together. its actually NORMAL lookin then
Has anybody noticed that not one Prowl (non animal) transformer has been baed on an actual police car. I work in the PD and they would never use a 2 door vehicle as a "prowl" car. (Yes, thats old slang for the cruisers) Other then that, he looks great.
Hey what can I say I love Prowl figures I mean I have everyone that has came out since G1 and believe me there have been some bad ones. But I like this one I love how it transformers and the car and the bot pay tribute to prowl and mirage of G1
I really think the police markings should've been left off and called Mirage, not the soon to be released decepticon boat. Robot mode looks good, vehicle mode looks nice minus the police markings and the robot head hanging out in the back of the car.
They copied this transformation sequence AND design from Armada Swindle! And yet... he's INCREDIBLY cool.
Half race car, half police car. How dumb can Hasbro get?
Very cool vehicle mode but almost non-existent poseability in robot mode.Nice head sculpt and it also looks cool linked with hot shot,inferno and rodimus.
Better than you might expect, has a great head sculpt and works very well as either the top or bottom of a Powerlinx combo. Looks a little weird in the pictures but is actually a lot of fun.
Looks a lot nicer in person, pictures don't do it, he's BIG for his size class, Vehicle mode looks good, robot mode leaves much to be desired especially with his legs that go up to his shoulderblades (if TF's have shoulderblades) Torso rocks, Pants blows
ugh! this has to be the worst toy from them all looks like my 3 year old's playschool go-bot.
Obsidian--Your just gonna end up being the Hedley Lamar to my Sherriff Bart, arent you? (watch Blazing Saddles if you dont get that). I heard the Alpha Q was just a kitbash, but that could be bogus too....
To Outrider: What can I say? the police formula 1 car has been done before. Not just that, this Prowl rules. And I'll let the mutant Quintesson remark slide for now. (an Alpha Quintesson prototype's in the works, by the way!)
Looks more like one of the Playskool TFs. Whats with his face? Looks more like some mutant quintesson. And a police formula 1 car? Uhhhhhhh......
I'm beginning to think that the stereotype for Prowl is a police car. Not that I mind, because 2/3's of all Prowls are done well. This one is no exception.
Prowl is a very cool looking racing car even for a POLICE car his transformation is prety simple otherwise a very good energon peice!
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