Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Movie AOE Autobot Drift
Release year: 2014
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Reviews - Movie AOE Autobot Drift
Both modes look cool and are mostly stable. Poseability is good, but no waist swivel and some minor kibble issues. Color scheme and samurai motif work well but backpack kibble detracts from bot's aesthetics. Loved the weapon storage. Great figure overall.
All around great toy shoulder kibble work for the aesthetic and color scheme is nice. Pick one up
Excellent and accurate vehicle mode except for the engine at the back which I think could have been done better. Amazing robot mode with great articulation. Cool head sculpt and nice swords. Best AOE Deluxe figure by far IMO.
Robot mode has good articulation, body is pretty solid, but he's a total shellformer. The samurai mask face is creepy as hell, and the lips are in this heart-shaped pucker. Seriously, damn that face. Damn it to hell.
Excellent figure, great posability and fun to play with. the swords are excellent and the head sculpt is fantastic. He's a bit shorter the original Generations Drift, but still a great addition to my collection.
great figure all things told. transformation is simple but fun. paint isn't terrible but backpack is jarring. samurai motif works well and swords are a nice touch. pick this guy up if you have the inclination
I really dig the robot samurai thing. I'd like him to be a bit less bulky; there's a bit too much robot mode car gibble IMO. He'd be way better in black w/ light blue accents as he is depicted in the film and package art. Nicely done grill/chest tf'ation.
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