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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Armada Red Alert w/ Longarm
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2002
Categories: 2002 (
), Maxcon (
), Armada (
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Reviews - Armada Red Alert w/ Longarm

great toy. good gimicks, looks just like the one on the show
Simplistic and ugly robot mode, this toy should have been released as a Supercon if it wasn't for the electronic gimmick. Hasbro, please focus on the quality of the toy, not the quantity of gimmicks. If you want gimmicks, buy Megatron.
As an EMT, I'm going to like this TF no matter. Both modes, gimmicks, and electronics are great. My only complaint is his minicon. Why have a crane? Why not a rescue chopper?? Otherwise, worth the money.
nice transformation the best yet for his size great poseability could use more detail same goes for his minicon
Puzzle Rattrap
OK, he's blocky and not well articulated, but still great fun. The weapons are good, and the electronics sorta OK (woulda prefered more poseability though. Much better than the Starscream toy in the same assortment.
Brandon Williams
Cannon can be put in hand or mounted on shoulder, which is fun. Longarm isn't the best. Gimmicks are cool. Articulation is pretty high, although the backpack can get in the way.
Kiddie looking SUV vehicle mode,but really good robot...I love all his features & even his mini-con Longarm. This is a good one. Buy it!
RA is soo great! veh is stunning, tough obvious. Tfing is fun, and he is super posable, maybe i'm jutsing missing BW era. gimmicks are cool, for once. the leg attachments get in the way, and he is bit out of proportion. #1 of 1st wave. LA is poo.
Excellent toy. Easily the most poseable release from the Armada line. Would be a ten if not for the sides of the car on the legs, which hinders standing a bit. Other than that, nothing to complain about.
No counting the horrid mini, red alert is one of the best armada they have come out with. He almost completely posable and his transformation is decent. From a long time fan this is good work.
I think the Red Alert figure is one of my all time favourites. It has nearly everything that makes a transformer cool i.e. posability and stability. Overall a great buy.
they are just trying to hurt us now, what a spinily litle weenie toy His chest is entirely to large and his legs couldnt hold me up. What a vehicle mode would someone please recite the first line from the G1 Song
Bat X-9
Red Alert is a nice toy ands so is longarm. Well there are a few thngs wrong like the annoying sond and the fact that the shoulders are too far apart
This is one of the best Armada figures so far. The SUV mode is good and the bot mode is nice, articulation good. Some of the side panels get in the way. Sounds are annoying, I'll make my own if it would bring the price down, $30 Canadian, vroom...vroom.
This is a very blocky looking transformer. It does not reflect generation 1 or RID design. Figure is poseable but not very cool. Looks too much like a preschool toy and the sounds remind me of a preschool toy.
Decepticus Prime
Awesome face, and cool robot mode. Minicon gimmicks are cool. I dont particularly care for long arm...the lack of a gimmick specifically for him(IE strscrm&swndle) and Cyclonus/Crmplzne)..longarm just isnt a good for a medic & the crane annoys me at times
His arms pop out with little effort. Trying to get the MiniCon defence platfrom on the left leg is hard to unfold since the electronic back can interfere with it. And his head it too small (it looks tiny!).
High Road
One word "awesome"! Great gimmicks that won't work with out Minicon. My only complaint is the attachments won't stay in the storage compartment. I still like Starscream better.
Very nice looking vehicle mode. Color scheme is awesome. Transformation is fair. Chest can be a pain at times for keeping him standing. Mini-Con fushion is not overdone on him. Doesn't survive most short falls, either. His arms will fall right off.
I love red alert. nice transformation, but i wish he had two hands and longer arms
This is the only Armada toy I've given a 10 so far. Awesome vehicle mode! Robot looks pretty bad-@$$ for a pacifist medic. Poseability is excellent for Armada. Stands as tall a Megatron not counting shoulders.
Articulation wise this wasn't that bad. but as for the way it looks it's another story. It's been considered bulky by some of my friends, but this is one of my more favorites.
Armada Starscream
I really like this figurine. Everything about it is cool
A bit easy to transform for the price. Autobot sign on hood is cheesy. Paint is okay and poseble. Still great looking TF but not the best of them.
This autobot doesn't look like he takes @#$! from anyone, that is what makes the toy great. The disc launcher & cannon features are awsome and his SUV mode is off the hook! All though I would've preferred his robot mode to be a little more sleek.
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