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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Armada Laserbeak
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2002
Categories: 2002 (
), Roleplay (
), Armada (
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Reviews - Armada Laserbeak

General Veers
Lazerbeak as an Autobot!?! This is an outrage!!! This is sick and wrong!!!
vid-cam is a cool concept. detail is nice. making him an autobot was cool. two gripes, 1) as with all the armada figures i own he is to easy to transform 2) no ability to attach mini-cons.
I have seen some lame ducks in my day, but Laserbeak takes the cake. Bad TF,lame colors; Orange?Whoever had that idea needs to be shot;Bird mode is awkward and the sounds stink; didn't even need to include directions. Can you say "Supreme Cheetor"?
He's very..........orange? Help me here. And he's orange! As for playability? He's orange! They took lazerbeak from one of the coolest toys in the line to one of the orangest. Is that a word?
I don't like the looks of this toy. It has little articulation and isn't impressive in any modes. Definitely a child's toy, and it would be much better with cassettes. Not worth the price too.
LOVE the concept: ~life-size video cam turns into autobot spy bird! But toy could be much better. Why no TF'able casette partners?! 1984 Soundwave has more complex TF'n & detial! My advise: eliminate worthless "gun mode" & color it like a real camera!
Wily Badger
A little too high priced. Fairly weak transformation. The color scheme really needed to have been rethought. I understand not making it look like a real gun, but perhaps coloring it red instead of orange would have been a better idea?
Even though it is orange, I am still afraid to hold Laserbeak in public in gun mode (I am too old). Very playable, and all 3 modes are super-cool. I can't get enough of the deployer-style parts of his transformation. It's nice to see in a larger toy.
good toy, to expensive, it would be kooler if 9.99 and a bit smaller, its hard to display a giant camera bird next to hot shot. Sound effects are sweet
So whats wrong with a simple transformation and a color scheme that keeps kids from kidding shot by cops who think its real. Cool sound effects
Armada has become Power Rangers.... Terrible idea to start with, apparently ment for younger people (6-12 months, hehehe) If it was silver it would have been WAY better. Looks really "plasticy." Sad Transformation
Shonka Prime
Nice toy overall, although the color affects its rating. Very simple transformation. The lack of a minicon partner actually improves the realism of the new line. Nice sound effects too.
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