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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Movie Optimus Prime ("Twin Blaster")
Company: Hasbro
Release year: 2007
Categories: 2007 (
), Voyager (
), Movie (
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Reviews - Movie Optimus Prime ("Twin Blaster")

Monkey Eye
This toy was made so as to make Leader Prime look good.
The joints are so loose and his backpack is so heavy that he wants to fall down everytime I pose him. His chest is not the one in his truck mode too. Overall, one of the worst figures Hasbro had ever made. Avoid this at all costs.
Mosibran Tafranekiong
Leader Prime had crushed this toy to pieces.
Lazy Hasbro cheated in the transformation. Poor paint job.
this just isnt as good as the leader class i think that the leader prime has a more exact paint job than this.i like the head sculpt on this its very nice but other than that i like leader class better
There will always be better toys. I always give myself excuses so as to be picky. Not like some people who buy all toys on impulse.I hate to have toys fill up my room!
Scopomike, I am sure you can tell that is a fake chest. You may be a toy expert, doesn't mean people who don't like this toy is an idiot. I just hate fake chest. So what I missed out on somthing you think is a good toy?
Bumble 08
He is BB's leader so I will give him a 10. Only idiots gave him a 8 or less. Silly talk about the plastic look. He is made of plastic, that is why.
Bought this because of the 2 pack with 08 Bumblebee. Really dissapointed with this toy. It is just an ordinary voyager. Transformation is really simple which results in him having a fake torso. Some people may just be turned off by this.
This is 1 oversized deluxe. Loose and floppy joints. A really bad figure.
Hey Watson00, I bet you don't know the difference between real and fake ones.
Hoodimus Prime
a lot of time devotion & care went into this toy just by looking at the detailing especially in his eyes the first Prime with pupils and the glow with the light piping really defines this figure I dont like the backpack but I admit very G1 esque Prime rox
The transformation is one of the easiest and simplest! And it is quite big, and taller than Starscream and Megatron! Really get my money worth as it is heavier than other voyagers!
Good! A cheaper Prime which I can transform easily. Is nice. VERY NICE!
It will make Hasbro's job easier if they want to cheat by just sculping there. But comon, it is transformers! It just doesn't make sense to me but to each his own.
Honestly, what I hate abt this toy is his fake chest. It is just sculpted there, not on his Truck mode. Do u guys really want Hasbro to be lazy to continue to sculpt fake parts in order to be more "accurate"? It is like fake breasts to me.
Chaos Bringer
This one is my favorite Prime design ever. Forget about the backpack, the figure can still stand up without falling over! too bad the figure lacks painted detail and the door wants to open all the time. I wish they had painted the doors on the chest.
No this is the deluxe version. It comes in the box in vehicle mode. There is also a deluxe Megatron. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, I think this Optimus is the same mold as the robovision, only without the extras.
Great figure which is very posable! It has 2 guns with missiles! I love projectile weapons! His only drawback is the huge "backpack" (the front engine part of the vehicle mode). The front engine part does not fold smaller.
is this the robovision version? I want to get it my target only has those legends 4 pax where he is supposed to be so i dont have him yet but i want him
I agree that he could have been more metallic, but I won't dock any points 'cuz this is such an awesome figure. Alt-mode is great, 'bot-mode is well-proportioned and very athletic-looking--moreso than the Leader Class. Get him while Target still has him.
lord optimus
well i do sort of like it because it is an exclusive but as scorpomike said "too much plastic" which makes it just cancell out the supermetal finish but i like the attack mode gimmick:)
The transforation is nice and the posability is great, but in robot mode, he doesn't look metallic enough. Too much of a plastic look. Neat toy otherwise.
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