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Unicron.com > Transformers Toy Reviews > Generations Constructicon Devastator (Scavenger, Hook, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Scrapper, Mixmaster)
Release year: 2015
Categories: 2015 (
), Combiner Wars Titan (
), Generations (

Reviews - Generations Constructicon Devastator (Scavenger, Hook, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Scrapper, Mixmaster)

Jack Britton
Excellent figure. Finally a devestator in scale with the rest of the transformers. Towers over them as he should. Love the g1 cartoon accurate colors, details and articulation.
Very spendy but worth it. Vehicles are decent, Bots bout average w. Scavenger having the best. Biggest complaint would be green treads, followed by wanting arms about inch longer & slightly bulkier, swivel for crane would be nice & hinge for bucket too.
IMHO, this toy will go down in history as one of the greatest TFs ever made. Perfect? No but darn close. Thought that went into making a sturdy & poseable combined form is staggering. G1 accuracy & size make it a Masterpiece, even if pkg doesn't say so!
nice set of figures and combine well. chest plate is a bit fiddly but looks solid. looses the points because some parts being holo but wonderful item. could do with more paint but thats always the case. individual bot modes solid , looking good as a team
Vampyros Prime
Really Nice figures my only problem is: Mixmaster ?!!!
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